How it works

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01 Select menu

Place your Order of any food from our wide range of Dishes available at Mapenzi Grill. You can choose from local foods, Fast foods, Pastries,Grilled Foods, Hot, warm and Cold drinks. Simply Log onto our website at once there, Select "OUR MENU" and choose the meal you want to eat and then simply Add to Cart and proceed to checkout.


02 Select Delivery Location

Select your Location of anywhere around Kampala City. This is where your Order will be Delivered at a very affordable Rate and in the shortest time possible Make sure to include all the details of your location to avoid delays and miscommunication.


03 Wait for delivery

Wait Patiently for your Food to be Delivered. this usually takes a very short time and you will be able to dig in as soon as it arrives this is because it will still be HOT and FRESH. the Delivery fees are very affordable and you can pay cashless or cash on delivery.